Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Your life, my life and our life together does religion help us or how does religion hurt us. Society, family, and so forth. As a zealot for Christ once upon a time. September 11, 1981
(I had a personal and significant event I excepted Christ as my personal Savior)
till I realize people like to point including myself. Religion Conditions us, trains us, to learn and there are various other conditioning measures that take place. Such as my parents' religion whether they had one or not (a religion that is.") We knew about a God.
What's Your Take on Jesus Myth, Truth or Allegory? "SHOUT OUT & TELL HOW YOU FEEL." truth or myth, fact or fiction.

praise the master who is neither below or above but in our blood spirit heart mind and is Not of mortal Flesh.
Let us give praise to our ancestors especially to those ancestors who continue to lead us out of darkness and into the Light. The Light of truth to free the world from oppression and ignorance. To work in our calling of being true to Our Fathers Father and his Father before him and so on. Forgetting not our Creator which directs and coordinates the order of our Universe and Our World. To reach for our quest to follow that star, no matter how hopeless no matter how far. We must work together for the betterment of our cities, towns, townships, counties, territories within our State and Nation. And in that order.

We must unite our neighborhood. First through the schools based on the demographics, ethnic makeup and the religious institutions. We must lobby employers who have a track record as a stake holder within its community and derive its workforce and economic gain from our neighbors, schools and the system in general.

Our calling individually and collectively. "It is how we will survive, this my brother and sister's is how we are going to continue in our quest to make our communities great. Not as Black, White, Jew or Gentile, Protestant or Catholic, Rich or Poor, Greek or Muslim we must stand as American's. God has shown us a way that there is Fruit on the Trees and More than enough for everyone. When we as wise, honest and men of truth, and justice for all, rise up and do what's good for all our people we can and we will have success in America. My Country Tears of Thee, Sweet land of Liberty, of thee I See. When Martin Luther let the cat out of the bag and started educating the masses, is when the Lord(s) lost their power. (Out of the Dark Ages Came the Written Word) Ever since the masses have been freed from ignorance, to learn the true mysteries of the written word and the power it holds for you and me. However, Consumerism and Commercial Exploitation continues to keep masses of Americans and others in our world, dumb but happy in the many illusions our society embraces. Technology is a Gem, Whole System Thinking and Strategic Planning is a plus. We are more divided but closer to standing nationally than we have ever been in a long time. The True Word has always set men and their families free. Free from strife, stress and sin which is physical and bodily harm to another person. The Bible continues to correct. It also continues to oppress and enslave mindsets. This mindset plays out in behaviors of mental bliss i.e. I'm happy cause I tell myself so, even if it's in my subconscious thought. Question: "How would you diagnose this dilemma?" As a Community are we working together? SoundOut!

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