How dare a movement focused on bringing people together to work in one accord and maintain a creative mindset of sharing the earths, resources with every man, woman and child. Which cause do you support...are you just a republican, a democrat, a socialist, leftest, rightest, super righteous, elitist, neocentrist, and the list could go on.
True...There are many organizations that have good intent when it comes to a worthy cause. Greenpeace, and other radical or peaceful environmental ngo's. I thank God, that there are still a few zealots who keep these causes alive.
In many a case, to that person this activism, is worthy, and who, or what, doctrine should impose on his or her right to advocate upon a cause. Righteous and worthy in whose eyes, mine, yours, ours, there's.
There are large groups of people who have this idea and mindset. Which collectively has placed us all in this state of mind. Whether you or others accept this fact it is really irrelevant, for the simple reason gravity works whether you believe or accept that fact. “Its true” For example...
“Is it not wise to plan out a trip map if we plan to drive from Pennsylvania to Washington State?” especially
When its our first time, we shall map the roads and check the weather if we were driving? The knowledge, and technology that we have NOW...will surely help us on our way. Why would it not help us to design a better future... when the water boils down we all have the same basic wants and commonalities. For clean air, water, shelter, food and education and to work at what you enjoy. “don't get it twisted I'm not promoting negative behavior”
Clearly, the system of social engineering is able to distribute high quality plans for a better direction in life. Not through human engineering and manipulation methods of mesmerized cyclical materialism. (if there are such terms in describing patterns and behaviors in our society)
Technology, is just scratching the surface, when it comes to production and quality of resources... and sure there are limits to time, substance. However, within this substance is thinking, or thinking stuff, that which is in the mind that can conceive. (thought substance, called thinking stuff)
And within this thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates,penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. Now …not when we get ready, or prepared, but now
A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
It is noble and loyal to have a cause, and yes is better to stand for something, rather than to fall for anything. However, what I am about to say I do hope that I am wrong, and I don't won't to throw any negatives into our pot of brew...but any intellectual person who has a soul and lives in a body and is in tuned with the spiritual interspaces that dwells within our universe. Will understand
The vibe (thoughts) or consensus is that things are broke in the Global economy and that due too technological unemployment, corporate greed and the lack of religiousfervor that the world is ending.
That the time when the King of Kings will don His crown and reign supreme...and I say glory, glory hallelujah!
If that is what you believe to be true, I have no response other than you are appreciated and respected for your belief. Sincere as you are, you are sincerely wrong. And I say that with honesty and sincerity...
What I have found when I sought the truth was 2Tim 2:15 NKJ “
Be diligent” to present your self approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.
As and understanding of the Scriptures and the existing teaching that is being taught in many places called church and religion today. the Facts, history and more evidence show that the teachings are dogma steep in self interest and competitive control of people who fail to exercise their creative mind.
Does your Cause, advocacy bring or provide
- Unity and harmony for all people, or just a few
- Is your talent skill, work benefit, all people or just a few
- Are you bias in your faith, with all people or just a few
Interesting Note!
It will be great to watch Mesmerized, i have bought tickets
from looking forward to it.
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